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These pages are written and managed by John & Julii Swindells, and we take every effort to ensure their accuracy, relevance and engagement. If you don't think this is the case at any point, please contact us and explain where you think that we're going wrong. Otherwise, happy browsing!
Animals 18 Dec 2010
A few birds have been spotted on our bird table. Pictured here, the Robin and the Blue Tit.
Films 04 Dec 2010
Artistic and captivating martial arts flick. Good review at Colossus
Churches and Historical Buildings 04 Dec 2010
The Quakers Meeting House is on the Mundesley Road, just before you get to Swafield.
Churches and Historical Buildings 04 Dec 2010
The old Stables are nestled tightly amongst terraced houses, and the Paston College backs onto them.
Churches and Historical Buildings 04 Dec 2010
The church is near Banningham, heading towards the Gunton Estate.
Swindells Family Photos 23 Oct 2010
More Misc. Pix of the 4 Swindells children. Taken around 1928-1942.
Swindells Family Photos 18 Oct 2010
Young George Swindells, single portrait and again with children
Swindells Family Photos 18 Oct 2010
Uncle Norman Swindells (1900-1986, uncle to Edie, brother to George).
Swindells Family Photos 18 Oct 2010
Edie Sherwood, John's Great-grandmother as a young woman, 1876-1955(?)
Muckleburgh Tank Museum 28 Jun 2010
These rockets must have been lethal when used in anger. But how accurate were they?
Animals 24 Jun 2010
What is this insect? It was crawling around on the lawn, climbing over blades of grass.
London Science Museum 01 Jun 2010
This bike claims to have inspiration from the world of Formula 1
Laptops 23 May 2010
Bought for my Mum, a Dell Inspiron laptop with a 15" screen and 3 years onsite warranty, for £400.
Computing 10 Feb 2010
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John is a self-employed web/mobile developer with the brand swindigital.