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These pages are written and managed by John & Julii Swindells, and we take every effort to ensure their accuracy, relevance and engagement. If you don't think this is the case at any point, please contact us and explain where you think that we're going wrong. Otherwise, happy browsing!
Time Trialling 14 Oct 1996
Winning time and UEA-CC times given.
Norwich C.A. '25 (B25/35)
Sunday 13th October ...
Bikes 30 Jul 1996
This is John Swindells, riding the E5/100 course on the A12.
BUSA Cycling 17 Mar 1996
GOLD MEDALS Manchester Uni 'A' 1.04:44 UEA CC Ladies 1.38:30 Dave Bailey, Dave Cooper, John ...
John is a self-employed web/mobile developer with the brand swindigital.