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These pages are written and managed by John & Julii Swindells, and we take every effort to ensure their accuracy, relevance and engagement. If you don't think this is the case at any point, please contact us and explain where you think that we're going wrong. Otherwise, happy browsing!
Product Reviews 19 Dec 2007
The Gadget Show has tested a variety of AA batteries in a non-scientific yapping dogs study.
Road Safety and Motoring 10 Dec 2007
BMX 12 Nov 2007
Here's a piece of video showing the Norwich Flyers in action on the track:
Animals 22 Sep 2007
We don't usually photograph slugs, but this one was such a pretty specimen!
TDF 2007 19 Jul 2007
Here we are outside Buckingham Palace, enjoying the friendly atmosphere and the sunshine.
Brio Trains 15 Apr 2007
This layout has a long bridge crossing a few sections of track, and there are no dead ends.
Solid Fuel Stoves and Central Heating 04 Apr 2007
John is a self-employed web/mobile developer with the brand swindigital.