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These pages are written and managed by John & Julii Swindells, and we take every effort to ensure their accuracy, relevance and engagement. If you don't think this is the case at any point, please contact us and explain where you think that we're going wrong. Otherwise, happy browsing!
North Walsham 23 Jun 2005
Here are some pictures of lovely sunsets that we get to see over the North Norfolk coastline.
Model Railways 20 Jun 2005
It's on July 16-17 at the nec, Birmingham. See The Model Expo 2005 website for further details.
Guinea Pigs 08 May 2005
The ladies are enjoying their last moments of freedom before the babies arrive.
Guinea Pigs 08 May 2005
There's nothing nicer than a fresh stretch of long grass to knaw on. If you're a Guinea Pig, that is
Guinea Pigs 07 May 2005
Pepper and greywhite
whitefemale and whitemale
greywhite and Pepper
Guinea Pigs 07 May 2005
Happy Families
Pepper and Fluff and family
Pepper and Fluff and baby
John is a self-employed web/mobile developer with the brand swindigital.