Turbine Planning Permission: Information Required

I asked our Council's planning officer for more information about our application, and whether it was overly detailed. Here is her response:
The purpose for 1:1250 location plan and site plan is for the Local Planning Authority to accurately establish the exact site and location of the development; and that there is no element of doubt of the applicant's intentions.

It is always useful if the manufacturers brochure/marketing package is included as part of the application; as this indicates the style/size; details of height/freestanding/building mounted (type of affixation)/diameter of blade/colour; would be extremely helpful. As much information to support the proposal is the best policy.

To assist our Environmental Health colleagues with their consideration of wind generator proposals; it would be extremely helpful if at the time of submission of an application information containing noise/vibration/blade flicker etc was included as part of the application.

It is understood that Windsave are in the process of producing a report of the 'technical' data to include noise levels/vibration etc; it is further understood this will be available in the near future.


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