The Climbing Number is the greatest number of days that you've ridden amount of elevation gain.
So, if you've managed 100 or more days with at least 100 feet of climbing on each day, then your number is 100.
If you've only managed 65 or more days of climbing at least 65 feet, then your score is 65.
Many thanks to James Adams for coming up with the idea of the Climbing Number!
Like the Eddington Number, it's an interesting self-improvement statistic, but is quite difficult to calculate - so this is the Strava-based tool that does it for you!
Need more background information? Read more about the Climbing Number, plus some all-athlete charts.
Other tools available:
»My Strava Eddington Number
»My Strava Segments
»Going the distance on Strava
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True at first, but I'm up to close to 700. Getting to 1000 (imperial) is going to take some effort.
The other thing is that elevation gain is a very unreliable measure: I've been on bunch rides where the variation can be /- 20% between people who've ridden the exact same course.