Going Coastal 2018

by Strava athlete John Swindells

Date Activity Time Distance Elevation
27 Aug 2018 Going Coastal - day 1. Mundesley to Stratford-upon-Avon 10:02:07 268.8km 1394metres 170432km
28 Aug 2018 Going Coastal - day 2. Stratford-upon-Avon to Carmarthen 8:10:24 216.4km 2147metres 208712km
29 Aug 2018 Going Coastal - day 3. Carmarthen to Llanafan 8:56:41 214.3km 3238metres 195445km
30 Aug 2018 Going Coastal - day 4. Llanafan to Loughborough 9:06:27 231.6km 2529metres 198192km
31 Aug 2018 Going Coastal - day 5. Loughborough to Mundesley 7:31:35 209km 1006metres 105967km
Total of 5 activities 43:47:14 1140.1km 10314metres 0km


by Kristopher on 15 April 2024
14 April 2024 and this page shows 140 days on the "ride" tab and 281 days on the "walk" tab while only 105 days have occurred this year.
by John Swindells on 15 April 2024
It sounds like you're looking at the "one year" stats (the last 365 days). Can you send a screenshot of what you're seeing to webmaster@swinny.net please?
by Ausied on 28 August 2023
Hi John , have noticed a bit of a glitch . I reached E101 on August 12th with a combo of 2 rides due to be hitting save part way through a ride and yesterday I rec'd notification that I am back on E100 and have 3 more activities to reach E101 , today I had a count up of all my rides over 101 miles on the ride summary page and there is 101
by John Swindells on 28 August 2023
This is unfortunately caused by a bug fix! I hadn't been using an accurate conversion factor from metres to miles, so was giving you more miles than I should. It's accurate now, and your adjustment down must mean that you had a few days that were actually just shy of 101 miles. Sorry for the confusion!
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by Jeroen on 21 February 2022
Thanks for the great tool. Just one Q: why does the km and mile E-number not match (in my case).

KM: 105

Miles: 70

But using the 1.609 conversion I would get to 112, which does not match my number of rides over 112km. Am I missing something?

by John Swindells on 21 February 2022
Glad to hear that you like it, Jeroen. The reason for the km/miles discrepancy though, is because the count also factors into the formula - so a score of 112 needs 112 days at that distance, whether it's in km or in miles.
by Jarek on 16 December 2021
How is the "New distance" metric calculated? I can't find such an attribute in the data pulled from the Strava API.
by John Swindells on 16 December 2021
Hi Jarek, I calculate this myself by storing activity co-ordinates and figuring out for a new activity which co-ordinates are new. It's a bit crude, but gives a reasonable estimate of the new distance covered.
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by Gonzalo on 02 November 2021
Hi John, great insights!

I was hoping to be one step closer to 46 (km) but somewhow, of the rides for 01 Nov 2021 only read one of the two rides I did (one started home, finished mid-trip (28ish km), and the second started a few minutes later from where the first ended, and went all the way home again (21ish km)... only the first appears, so instead of a 49 kms day, i've got a 28 kms day)

Just checking to see if this is something particular of this day, a bug, or how it would be expected to work.

Thanks again, Gonzalo!

by John Swindells on 03 November 2021
Hi Gonzalo! I've been doing some server maintenance work recently, so it may be that your other ride was missed out. Best thing to do is for you to check my little "Help Guide" (link at the top left of the page).
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by Malcolm Rawlins on 23 September 2020
Hi John. I've been making use of the Activity Analyser, a very useful tool! One observation; it asks for the ride parameters in miles but gives the results in metric which, unless I've missed a control somewhere, seems illogical? Would it also be possible to add an ascent filter? Cheers Malcolm
by John Swindells on 03 October 2020
And... you've now got an ascent filter!
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