The easy way to strip wallpaper

Wallpaper nowadays almost always consists of two layers: the shiny outer layer, and the plain inner layer. If you want to strip this sort of wallpaper, you don't need an expensive, energy-thirsty steamer!

First, peel off the shiny layer. Ideally, get your kids to do this; it saves you the job and gives them immense pleasure in doing something that would usually involve them getting yelled at.

Next, sponge down the plain backing paper layer that's still stuck to the wall. Do a square metre or so at a time, so that it doesn't dry out.

Use an ordinary scraper (spatula?) to remove the backing paper from the wall. After this you'll have to clean the wall with a sugar soap solution, to remove the old glue. After that you're ready for whatever you're planning on doing!

Still confused? Watch the simple video right here:


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