Please note that if you are having performance issues with Apple computers, I suggest that you read Why is my Mac Running Slow? at
29 Dec 2011
Our lounge PC - used as a media centre and for gaming - was due for an upgrade. It consisted of an AMD Althlon X64 system in an ancient mini ...
Web Hosting 13 Dec 2011
There is a company that offers a firewall service fir your web hosting, and it does this using the so-called 'cloud'. Furthermore, its starter ...
Web Programming 29 Nov 2011
Here's how to immediately capture the text on your web page that a visitor has highlighted with their mouse. Select some text on this page ...
Web Programming 06 Oct 2011
Here we learn how to create a text shadow affect, using only a bit of CSS.{ background-color:#000000; } h4.glow { padding ...
Web Programming 12 Sep 2011
Google Web Fonts lets you browse all the fonts available via the Google Web Fonts API. All fonts in the directory are available for use on ...
30 May 2011
If you've ever wondered how Microsoft Windows knows whether you have a solid Internet connection or not, it isn't magic: Windows networking ...
Influencers 21 May 2011
Greenland has its very own computing influencer! Way back in 1995, Rasmus Lerdorf got PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocessor) off the ground and thus ...
Web Programming 06 Mar 2011
Facebook has opened up its commenting system to all websites. What this means is that there is no need for a website owner to develop, run and ...
12 Feb 2011
If you have your computer nicely configured but you are running out of disk space, the last thing you want to do is re-install everything on ...
Web Programming 08 Feb 2011
Here's a simple hit counter: div#hitcounter { width:20em; padding:1em; margin:1em 0 0 1em; border:1px solid black; background-color ...
Influencers 05 Feb 2011
He is an industrial enginner, British-born and promoted to Apple's vice president of industrial design by Steve Jobs in 1997. Ive and his design ...
He crusades against the clutches of vendor-led computing and is know as the "father oof free computing". He founded the Free Software Foundation ...
He invented the wi-fi signal processing algorithm in 1967 as a way to correct errors in noisy digital communications links. It is also used ...
First working at Plessey, and then at CERN in Geneva, Berners-Lee, wrote 'Enquire' in 1980 which linked fragments of information together. In ...
He is chief software architect at Microsoft, and is "responsible for oversight of the company's technical strategy and product architecture" ...
He gained a Cambridge PhD in 1978 and co-founded computer maker Acorn. Acorn later spun of chip-maker ARM.
His quick calculations and extrapolations defined the pace of growth in computer power, and he went on to form chipmaker giant Intel.
Also know as Vint Cerf, and is Chief Internet Evangelist for Google. He co-designed TCP/IP and the architecture of the Internet.
01 Feb 2011
It is pleasing when a tried and tested technology finds a use in a substantially different environment, and especially when you say "That was ...
Web Hosting 06 Jan 2011
You pay a lot of money for Rackspace managed hosting. You pay for decent hardware in a top-notch data centre, with great Internet connectivity ...