Windows 10 wants to upload all your data

During the installation of Windows 10, I was presented with the "Customise settings" screen that explains what sort of data it wants to upload to Microsoft - for our benefit, of course!

To quote, this is what Microsoft wants to know about you:

  • Contacts and calendar details This is for personalising speech, typing and inking input, but seems like a bit of a feeble requirement for giving them quite personal information..
  • Typing and inking data This is for improving the recognition and suggestion platform, which is fair enough, but do you really want a Microsoft keylogger?
  • Advertising ID This "cross-app experience" is simply about ad retargeting, the sort of advertising that I personally find quite irritating.
  • Location and location history Tracking your location is fair enough, if location-based services can benefit. I wonder who the "trusted partners" of Microsoft are, though?


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