Amsterdam Triathlon and Cycling Club - details and stats

Amsterdam Triathlon and Cycling Club is a triathlon club in North Holland, Netherlands
It has 209 members
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Here are some run statistics for Amsterdam Triathlon and Cycling Club. If you want to contribute your own activities to this club, please head over to the Eddington Leaderboard for Clubs and let us know which activities you do for Amsterdam Triathlon and Cycling Club.


Total activities 545
Total distance 3623 miles
Total time 522 hours
Maximum distance 29 miles on 23 April 2023 by 1 athlete
Maximum time 5 hours on 23 April 2023 by 1 athlete


Total activities 88
Total distance 460 miles
Total time 68 hours
Maximum distance 9 miles on 11 August 2024 by 1 athlete
Maximum time 1 hours on 11 August 2024 by 1 athlete


Total activities 119
Total distance 759 miles
Total time 113 hours
Maximum distance 29 miles on 23 April 2023 by 1 athlete
Maximum time 5 hours on 23 April 2023 by 1 athlete


Total activities 89
Total distance 622 miles
Total time 89 hours
Maximum distance 26 miles on 21 August 2022 by 1 athlete
Maximum time 4 hours on 21 August 2022 by 1 athlete


Total activities 92
Total distance 676 miles
Total time 95 hours
Maximum distance 25 miles on 18 September 2021 by 1 athlete
Maximum time 4 hours on 18 September 2021 by 1 athlete


Total activities 80
Total distance 591 miles
Total time 83 hours
Maximum distance 14 miles on 30 August 2020 by 1 athlete
Maximum time 2 hours on 30 May 2020 by 1 athlete


Total activities 77
Total distance 514 miles
Total time 71 hours
Maximum distance 13 miles on 29 September 2019 by 1 athlete
Maximum time 1 hours on 29 September 2019 by 1 athlete


by Malcolm Rawlins on 31 July 2020
Hi John ... I've tried to update my primary club (Horsham Cycling - circa 130 members) but still seeing the Eddington number for the previous one. Doesn't seem to be saving details for the new club?
by John Swindells on 31 July 2020
Hi Malcolm, I've just checked and there seems to be an issue with changing your primary club. I'll let you know when it's fixed!
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by michele on 19 October 2019
velogram mi da errore massage bad request errore e non si connette piu a strava
by John Swindells on 20 October 2019
Sorry, I don't know anything about velogram!
by Dave Stuart on 29 August 2019
I'm wondering how this works. I can see my Eddington number and used the link to to get to the club page. Problem is I can't see any of the clubs of which I am a member.
by John Swindells on 29 August 2019
Hi Dave, it looks like there was a change to the Strava API. I've fixed it now, so you should be able to choose your main club for each type of activity.
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