15 Dec 2007
http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/ProgrammableWeb/~3/199587637/ The latest big social platform news comes from Bebo, the third largest social ...
08 Dec 2007
http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/196295442/ It’s only been about a month since Google launched OpenSocial, its development ...
http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/ProgrammableWeb/~3/196309693/ Google has released a charting service. All you have to do is supply an ...
01 Mar 2007
The United States Energy Policy Act of 2005 established new rules for Daylight Savings Time (DST) in the US. These new rules change the start ...
Google Maps API 26 Feb 2007
Simon Buckle has some Javascript code that allows you to place a series of waypoints on a Google Map, with lines appearing automatically between ...
22 Jun 2006
Here's the main RSS feed from phpdeveloper.org: Also from phpdeveloper.org, here are some Security links:
Google Maps API 22 Jun 2006
Here's a neat feature in a google map - Popup maps within the map! Click on one of the markers and you'll see what I mean. This is useful for ...
Google Maps API 20 Jun 2006
Here is an example of a gmap application that allows you to set your own markers on the map. The author of this app is Greg Stoll, and he ...
Google Maps API 13 Apr 2006
This looks interesting: A Google Maps API class for PHP. The example certainly seems to be exactly what you'd want from such a class.
30 Nov 2005
PHP can output data as tables any way out want, but how good is it at charting? Well, there's support for drawing with the GD extension, or ...
29 Nov 2005
Thia seems to be pretty amazing stuff: Winbinder, a PHP extension that integrates with the Windows API! Naturally it only works on Microsoft ...
09 Nov 2005
The Symphony Project claims to be a complete framework for PHP5, apparently combining client-side and server-side techniques into one. You know ...
Ajax 10 Oct 2005
Before you plunge headlong into Ajax, read this article is a string of things to watch out for when coding for Ajax. It mostly centres around ...
Ajax 07 Oct 2005
For degradable read backward-compatible. It has to work in many different environments, not just the resource-rich world of the developer ...