Cyclo-cross, Nottingham

Jesse Baines proved his versatility, by placing 13th in his first cyclocross in twelve months. He led the UEA squad to a commendable 5th place out of 11 teams entered, in a total field of 98 finishers.



1stJames Taylornottingham
2ndDaniel BellOxford Brookes
3rdMatt BaileyLiverpool


1stWendy CushingRoehampton Ins.
2ndJulia PanterUWE Bristol
3rdBrenda AllenOxford


Male - First Three Riders to count

1stnottinghamJames Taylor, Iain Mathews, Ian Holt 24 pts
2ndOxfordJim Henderson, Phillip Bee, Thomas Peel 43 pts
3rdOxford BrookesDaniel Bell, Simon Collins, Nicolas Foster 71 pts

Female - First two riders to count

1stOxfordBrenda Allen, Chloe Jones 166 pts
2ndUni of WalesPenny Bienz, Emma McAleese 180 pts

Complete Placings

PosFirst NameSurname CatUniversityTime
1James Taylor Sennottingham52:32
2DanielBell SenOxford Brookes@00:58
3Matt Bailey SenLiverpool@01:11
4GeoffBeetham SenDurham@01:12
5Iain Mathews Sennottingham@02:38
6JonathonWebb SenSheffield University @02:57
7Jim Henderson SenOxford@03:27
8TomSmith SenWarwick@03:40
9MurtazaRampuri SenSouthampton Uni@03:41
10WilliamWright SenKingston @04:15
11VinCox SenChester College@05:25
12JesseBaines SenEast Anglia (UEA) @06:08
13DavidAsbridge SenManchester University @06:11
14RobEnglish SenCambridge University @06:12
15RossParker SenU W E Bristol@07:07
16IanHolt Sennottingham@07:16
17PhilipBee SenOxford@07:44
18AdamKelly SenNottingham Trent @08:05
19ThomasPeel SenOxford@08:11
20Mark Jones SenWarwick@08:57
21Mike Cowland SenNottingham Trent @08:58
22John Swindells SenEast Anglia (UEA) @09:10
23AndrewSalmon SenOxford@09:11
24ScottWillinson SenLoughborough@09:17
25JezWeston SenCambridge University @09:31
26WendyCushing WomRoehampton Institute @09:39
27Alex Redwood Sennottingham@09:46
28AngusTrenholme SenSouthampton Uni@10:11
29AnthonyHarvey SenUni of Wales, Bangor @1 Lap
30NickPashley SenOxford@1 Lap
31DavidMyers SenLoughborough@1 Lap
32John Appleby SenCambridge University @1 Lap
33CharlesRodmell SenKingston@1 Lap
34SimonCollins SenOxford Brookes@1 Lap
35NicolasFoster SenOxford Brookes@1 Lap
36RowanLamont SenLoughborough@1 Lap
37SteveBriance SenLoughborough@1 Lap
38DaveBabister SenOxford Brookes@1 Lap
39StewartBoyd SenU W E Bristol@1 Lap
40Darren Staples SenNottingham Trent @1 Lap
41GarryWalker SenNottingham Trent @1 Lap
42DieterWood SenLiverpool@1 Lap
43DavidCooper SenEast Anglia (UEA) @1 Lap
44TimRayment SenCambridge University @1 Lap
45AndyWithers SenOxford Brookes@1 Lap
46Dave Cope SenCambridge University @1 Lap
47NickBarry SenOxford Brookes@1 Lap
48NathanPennington SenWarwick@1 Lap
49PaulWare SenUni of Wales, Bangor @1 Lap
50Rick Multon SenU W E Bristol@1 Lap
51BarringtonDarcy SenDurham@1 Lap
52HuwJones SenLoughborough@1 Lap
53Richard Bates SenOxford Brookes@1 Lap
54EwanMain SenCambridge University @1 Lap
55JeffKapp Sennottingham@1 Lap
56StevenLee SenKingston@1 Lap
57RobReeves SenU W E Bristol@1 Lap
59CyTurner Sennottingham@1 Lap
59PatrickTrainor SenUni of Wales, Bangor @1 Lap
60Darren Field SenEssex@1 Lap
62Bernie Rowell Sennottingham@1 Lap
62Julia Panter WomU W E Bristol@1 Lap
63Stuart Lemanski SenCambridge University @1 Lap
64ChrisBeattie SenNottingham Trent @1 Lap
65RichardCarroni SenLoughborough@1 Lap
66Andrew Ogilvy-Morris SenEssex@1 Lap
67MartinSlucutt SenWarwick@1 Lap
68Brenda Allen WomOxford@1 Lap
69TimothyHedger SenEssex@1 Lap
70ChrisBrown Sennottingham@1 Lap
71NickCaton SenLoughborough@1 Lap
72TimBugeya SenWarwick@1 Lap
74MustafaRampuri Sennottingham@1 Lap
74MalandaWisdom WomOxford Brookes@1 Lap
75Marke Jennings-Temple SenUni of Wales, Bangor @1 Lap
76RichardBillingham SenEssex@1 Lap
77MatthewBrown SenCambridge University @1 Lap
78NickLe Soeur SenLoughborough@1 Lap
79AlexMcCristal SenWarwick@1 Lap
80TimLeicester SenCambridge University @1 Lap
81LeonMabire SenUni of Wales, Bangor @1 Lap
82PaulRockett SenCambridge University @1 Lap
83Nicholas Lord SenChester College@1 Lap
84AlexNeame SenCambridge University @2 Laps
85Paul Briskham SenWarwick@2 Laps
86JonathonHudson SenOxford@2 Laps
87Helen Jackson WomNottingham Trent @2 Laps
88MartinSemonds SenKingston@2 Laps
89PennyBienz WomUni of Wales, Bangor @2 Laps
90JamesMunroe SenManchester University @2 Laps
91EmmaMcAleese WomUni of Wales, Bangor @2 Laps
92SimonMorris SenOxford Brookes@2 Laps
93AlexJordan SenKingston@2 Laps
94StephenBarry SenEssex@2 Laps
95AndreaKnox WomCambridge University @2 Laps
96VivienCox WomSheffield University @2 Laps
97Jane Dopson WomUni of Wales, Bangor @2 Laps
98ChloeJones WomOxford@2 Laps


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About the author

My name is John Swindells and I'm a keen recreational cyclist with a preference for long one-day rides. I've also previously dabbled in time trialling and cyclo-cross. See more of what I get up to on Strava!