Domestic Oil Quotes
The time has come to fill our tank. Here are the quotes we got, for a 2000L fill:
- Total Butler 35.19p/L
- Goff 33.75p/L, dropped to 33.5p/L in response to CPL's offer
- CPS 34.95p/L
- CPL 33.95p/L, dropped to 33.5p/L in response to Goff's offer
- EMO 35.2p/L
- Boilerjuice 34.14p/L
Despite the possibility of a lower group-discount price from Boilerjuice after the weekend, we decided to plump for Norwich-based supplier
Goff Petroleum, at a total inclusive price of £703.50 for 2000L.
These prices seem realistic given the political instabilities around the globe, and supply is barely able to keep up with demand.
Now that the strain of buying oil is over, it's time to get back to planning for some Sustainable Living!
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