I've taken a list of English words, and examined each of them to see what they sound like (using the PHP metaphone function). This page lists the most common metaphone codes, along with their words. You can also search for a word of your own, and see which words sound similar - and which ones rhyme, and which ones alliterate.
witans whitens witness witneys whiteness widens wittiness wetness whatness wheatens wideness weediness woodiness
tans rattans seitans cotans sheitans ratans witans shaitans titans photons boutons attains kittens phytanes cytons rattons phaetons gitanos betons cetanes mattins tins pitons soutanes latens rutins satins dans chitins dedans tautens stuns stains soudans retains rhytons biotins radians battens jetons nitons neatens mutons mittens patins setons whitens reattains phytons tansy chitons tons tuns tains butanes fattens sedans newtons dawns cottons lattens tens buttons matins lattins redans deans putons jettons etnas rattens heightens futons muttons patens quietens medians cutins phytins stanes zeatins moutons detains tetanus wheatens batons pattens