I've taken a list of English words, and examined each of them to see what they sound like (using the PHP metaphone function). This page lists the most common metaphone codes, along with their words. You can also search for a word of your own, and see which words sound similar - and which ones rhyme, and which ones alliterate.
hulas hulloas hulls hauls hullos hollas halloas hols hulloos hilloas holloas hulloes hallahs hueless heels hells hales hilus howls halls heals holes hills helos hails heils halos helios hoyles haloes haoles hollos holies hellos hallos hillos hallows helloes hilloes hollies holloes holloos hollows halloes halloos heelless
doulas hulas las pulls fleas fellahs hulloas laws lass class flays ghouls lays flaws lase mullas colas galahs paellas leas mules galeas halloas caulis gulls mauls holloas glias hylas bulls hilloas fuels jouals lulls moolahs nulls shuls duels shauls cholas bolas challas chalahs souls wauls wallahs pilaus tules talas dulls dalasi violas pules nalas plays zillahs molas slaws boylas rules scillas clays pulse koalas callas queleas fellas blahs caules hollas hulls fouls hauls glass hallahs duals boules claws ulus blaws dulse chelas cauls waylays kolas culls gules balas miauls belays allays luaus pulis blase fulls alias relays guls bylaws sheilas cullays ollas mulls mullahs coalas nullahs coulis palais mollahs quillais joules moolas lulus villas galas buhls sauls chollas selahs pilaws slays sulus pleas dahlias delays puls alas dulias tolas wallas challahs yules
hula haul hila hull hullo hulloa hulloo ahull