I've taken a list of English words, and examined each of them to see what they sound like (using the PHP metaphone function). This page lists the most common metaphone codes, along with their words. You can also search for a word of your own, and see which words sound similar - and which ones rhyme, and which ones alliterate.
flaws fleas flays flews flows fellas flus fellows fils fellahs follows fallows floes fails foils fouls flies fuels filos fleys fills flees fells fulls fowls files floss feels flues foals falls false fools folles filles villas follis falsie flossy filose foleys violas floosy fillos folios fillies floosie flossie fallacy feeless fellies felloes foliose folious follies failles
blaws flaws slaws laws bylaws pilaws claws las follows colas blows flays galas alias allows queleas halloas molas blahs clews moolas lase billows lass hollows villas mullas sallows plays cullays galahs plews hylas leas galeas scillas dalasi yawls shawls chollas chelas challahs willows wawls wallas tolas talas doulas slews lays zillahs pawls glias mollahs hulas relays glass hollas koalas lows nullahs blase paellas bolas awls balas hallows palais fellows quillais ollas hulloas pleas allays hilloas moolahs hallahs holloas violas kolas fleas fellas flows selahs bellows mellows callas glows belays clays bawls fellahs pillows mallows slows mullahs gallows belows nalas fallows boylas pilaus class alas plows flews coalas dahlias slays delays dulias tallows wallahs wallows waylays chalahs challas cholas shallows sheilas yellows
flaw flawy fila flay flea flew flow lawful lawfully