I've taken a list of English words, and examined each of them to see what they sound like (using the PHP metaphone function). This page lists the most common metaphone codes, along with their words. You can also search for a word of your own, and see which words sound similar - and which ones rhyme, and which ones alliterate.
emotes emeutes emits embodies embeds emmets emydes emyds
motes symbiotes remotes demotes gemotes emotes moats metes commutes committees comates moots mateys somites samites roomettes humates mottes mattes mites gambadoes gumboots limites remates moieties roommates gummites bimbettes timeouts boehmites mottoes smites fomites modes gemmates motts comtes commodes amities comities nimieties mutes mates gametes dimouts fumettes hamates bumboats mots emeutes gemots summates symbiots dimities teammates tomatoes