Global Bike to Work Day is an annual event that encourages people around the world to ride their bikes to work or to use their bikes for other commuting purposes. The event is typically held on the third Friday in May and is organized by the League of American Bicyclists. The goal of Global Bike to Work Day is to promote the benefits of cycling as a mode of transportation and to encourage more people to incorporate biking into their daily routines. The event is typically marked with a range of activities and events, including group rides, bike-to-work breakfasts, and other celebrations. Global Bike to Work Day is part of National Bike Month, which is a series of events and activities held each May to promote biking as a healthy and sustainable form of transportation.
There were 172 rides mentioning "Global Bike To Work" in this week , burning 22297 calories (that's 130 kCal each)
23 countries: United Kingdom, Netherlands, The Netherlands, United States, Australia, Nederland, Belgium, France, Ireland, Reino Unido, Austria, Sweden, Belgiรซ, Germany, South Africa, Canada, New Zealand, China, Sverige, Denmark, Portugal, รtats-Unis, Czech Republic