Finding words that sound similar

I've taken a list of English words, and examined each of them to see what they sound like (using the PHP metaphone function). This page lists the most common metaphone codes, along with their words. You can also search for a word of your own, and see which words sound similar - and which ones rhyme, and which ones alliterate.

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Words that sound similar to halos:

halos hallos haloes halloas halloes halloos hallows halls heals helos hales hails hauls helios hullos haoles hollos hellos hillos hallahs holloos helloes hollows hulloes hulloas hilloes hilloas hulloos holloes hols holloas holes heels hilus hells hills heils howls hulas hulls holies hollas hoyles hollies hueless heelless

Rhyming with halos:

calos halos als bales flows balls hallos hales floes vials lows gallous false hullos heals villous close vails holloos blows pawls lose cellos bialys loss sales bullous holloas jealous bals ails ales bails valse filos bawls phials aals hilloes halls hulloes folios helloes hollows nolos galas ploys kails nalas kilos loos coalas duals xylose sauls rales talas slows telos milos taels walls olios tallows wawls whales silos willows chylous shallows shawls pilous shoals yawls wales lalls gaols dales galls mails pals pales deals fallows pillows callous talus mallows glows reals polos mellows alas sals helos mauls zeals jouals kolos halloes falls felloes shauls sloes belows polios goals alloys fellows pails miauls bolos alls wallows weals duellos salsa malls koalas gales bellows gals foals cholos cloys lilos coals dals halloas fillos balsa balas holloes billows phyllos hillos fails hulloas bialis aloes follows gallows hulloos helios gloss haloes hails kales hellos baals sials niellos tales hallows also palsy floss rails pilose jails solos sails halloos hilloas reales filose veals awls zealous vales jellos villose teals allows hauls talls cauls callose shales palls oleos nails meals quails sallows dials wauls sheals males peals hollos calls plows rials seals dahls tails wails wheals yellows

Alliterating with halos:

halo hail hale hall hallah hallo halloa halloo hallow haole haul heal helo dhal


by Prisal on 29 December 2022
I learned new words
by Hi on 06 June 2021
Very helpful could find lots of good rhyming words
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