This is a random list of movies that we've watched and enjoyed.

Perhaps one day we'll compile reviews of films that failed to hit the target... they're not so fun to recall though!

Copyright Issues for Classrooms By the way, if you administrate a pre-school or a school, you may receive sales literature from 'umbrella licensing' companies that allow you to legally play DVDs and videos in public (ie, in a classroom). One such company (CEFM) has an FAQ however which categorically states that you do not need a license if the video use is for educational use only. Do not get tricked into paying for a license that you do not need! Of course, if the videos are for entertainment purposes, you do need a license.

Anyway, on with the list...


by Ronald van der Struik on 28 March 2005
Hello John, I am looking for John Swindells who played a role in the Series of Follyfoot in the early 1970th If you are the one please let me know and we can talk about getting the series on DVD and maybe other stuff. Kind regads,

Ronald van der Struik

Enschede- Holland

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