Finding words that sound similar

I've taken a list of English words, and examined each of them to see what they sound like (using the PHP metaphone function). This page lists the most common metaphone codes, along with their words. You can also search for a word of your own, and see which words sound similar - and which ones rhyme, and which ones alliterate.

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Words that sound similar to talar:

talar talaria tolar taler tailer tailor taller tallier tailleur tiler toiler toller dealer dialer tiller teller dollar tooler dallier dialler

Rhyming with talar:

malar alar talar lar realer molar paler filar healer liar bolar gular salary pillar clear volar dialer claro vealer phyllary foliar flare flair glare baler tolar whaler collar hilar velar blear phylar valor haler alary glary glair coaler clary laari solar lair lari lear blare mylar pilar polar cellar sealer dealer dollar taler waler shoaler

Alliterating with talar:

tala tael tail taille tale tali tall tallow tallowy tally teal tela telae tola stale stall


by Prisal on 29 December 2022
I learned new words
by Hi on 06 June 2021
Very helpful could find lots of good rhyming words
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