I've taken a list of English words, and examined each of them to see what they sound like (using the PHP metaphone function). This page lists the most common metaphone codes, along with their words. You can also search for a word of your own, and see which words sound similar - and which ones rhyme, and which ones alliterate.
shallows shawls shoals sheals shills shales shells shauls challas challis challahs challies sials shuls shiels chills shools sheols cholos chalahs chalehs chillis chollas chylous sheilas chillies shoeless
allows hollows gallows fallows willows sallows tallows fellows bellows yellows mallows pillows mellows hallows wallows follows shallows billows lows slows halloes blows halloos phyllos hilloes flows villous belows fillos helloes alloys lowse hullos gallous niellos callose hellos lilos plows hulloes holloos hallos jellos villose hollos hilloas hillos halloas duellos holloas hulloas callous hulloos felloes glows bullous holloes cellos blowsy
shall shallow shoal shill shelly shell sheal shawl shaly shaul shaley shale chally challie challah challa shoaly