Finding words that sound similar

I've taken a list of English words, and examined each of them to see what they sound like (using the PHP metaphone function). This page lists the most common metaphone codes, along with their words. You can also search for a word of your own, and see which words sound similar - and which ones rhyme, and which ones alliterate.

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Words that sound similar to poled:

poled polled pooled pled paled puled piled plead plied polite piolet pleiad palled peeled pulled pilled pealed plod pollute plaid poult pleat palet plate pellet polity pelite pullet palate pallid pallet ploidy plutei payload pileate palette playday paleate plateau palladia pallette palliate pelt plat plot paillette

Rhyming with poled:

fooled soled doled cooled holed poled wooled pooled shooled coled tooled gaoled toled voled old led fueled gallied hilloaed bold vailed flied lead polled boiled bailed gleed helled hailed jollied fowled keeled wyled hilloed gled holloed flued holloaed blued pilled peeled vialed bolled told rolled quailed nulled halloed nilled oldy leud hulloaed hullooed hollaed valued muled plied oiled hallooed celled melled teledu coaled cullied belled pulled bullied lalled palled fouled ceiled glued wold gulled waled souled wauled welled tailed wheeled wiled dilled plead reoiled lilied soldo woolled duelled chilled reeled shauled shelled shoaled slued should dialed yelled bulled willied fold foiled collied bawled called dallied daledh howled tilled balled hulloed dollied puled galled rilled hauled railed pealed siloed allied sold culled failed solid naled jelled toledo hold coiled sailed goaled gilled ailed bowled ruled hollooed riled bellied billed relied piolet sallied nailed rallied vialled fuelled piled knolled moldy milled quelled mulled haloed dialled gelled heeled jellied toiled hilled fulled vealed quilled violet folioed lewd clued healed mold heiled felled baled gold cold could gillied filed filled lulled halloaed sealed moiled mould bleed knelled haled helloed delead jowled guiled bled belied deled lolled paled roiled pled looed nielloed foaled lied woald volte tallied fled colead jailed kneeled killed hulled glede mewled cowled malled miauled whiled mauled mailed tolled tiled soiled wailed soloed walled gullied wawled whaled dueled soldi sullied willed veiled would doiled shaled dolled shawled shilled seeled dulled yawled sled yowled

Alliterating with poled:

pole pol pule poly pollee poll polio poilu plie plew pilei plea pilea pile pele paleae palea pale polo pool apollo


by Prisal on 29 December 2022
I learned new words
by Hi on 06 June 2021
Very helpful could find lots of good rhyming words
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