Finding words that sound similar

I've taken a list of English words, and examined each of them to see what they sound like (using the PHP metaphone function). This page lists the most common metaphone codes, along with their words. You can also search for a word of your own, and see which words sound similar - and which ones rhyme, and which ones alliterate.

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Words that sound similar to nites:

nites nits nates notes nides knits nudies nets nuts naiades noddies neddies newts neats nudes nidus needs knots netts nowts gnats nodes nutsy kneads knouts naiads notice nods

Rhyming with nites:

bites wites cites writes sites whites suites boites gites nites kites mites rites dites its nides lattes bides ates bitts gits howdies boodies bits fyttes catties writs cutes guides giddies bytes ghettoes riots gates notes dies soddies biddies caddies sides goatees kitties cuties sties pates gaits readies tees bates baits pities quits votes quiets cooties deities hits gaudies reties fates rottes fouettes suits bawties patties butes duits whiteys toadies rotes todies totes tutties sautes poetess waddies ditsy teddies whits tidies dotes wides tates wits noddies chides chitties shits nudies shotes tits waits ides daddies hoodies tets jutes doits nits cetes cities zitis mitis pits laddies dauties mates quotes fetes moieties coatees muddies goodies beedies neddies cates eddies motes mutes pitas adieus cutties hates bitsy quoits pieties butties vetoes fiats teds roadies dates suttees kytes ditas mateys ladies diets rides paddies sates buddies teas puttees coitus potties footies fuddies mitts kits fits nates kiddies tews jetes bodies ties battues toes lits raitas rowdies jutties lottes laities cuddies baddies mattes aits buttes cutesy titties gaieties tatties aides ditties knits didies beauties doodies putties booties bawdies buteos wytes cuteys zits fatties mottes litas situs foodies lutes routes hotties jetties cotes middies wadies sits titis mottoes settees toddies toits tutees duties rates utes stews metes dits whities widdies dowdies bootees dawties woodies chits chutes hides shoddies tides shutes

Alliterating with nites:

nite nit knit nide nitty note ante ninety snit unit unite unity


by Prisal on 29 December 2022
I learned new words
by Hi on 06 June 2021
Very helpful could find lots of good rhyming words
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