Finding words that sound similar

I've taken a list of English words, and examined each of them to see what they sound like (using the PHP metaphone function). This page lists the most common metaphone codes, along with their words. You can also search for a word of your own, and see which words sound similar - and which ones rhyme, and which ones alliterate.

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Words that sound similar to dolls:

dolls dols dollies dells doles tolls dills diols dulls doulas dalles dellies duellos doolees doyleys dals dallies doilies dillies doylies dels doolies toolless tolus dales dials toles dolci duels tools toils tolas deils dahls deals duals delis tills talls dulse dolce deles tells delays tellys tulles dulias toiles dalasi tallis tuilles tellies tallies dewless dahlias tailles toeless delouse dailies tallows dialyse toyless tailless tels tils

Rhyming with dolls:

bolls quolls rolls tolls dolls knolls lolls molls polls fools hallos cowls callas hills kolos folles filles nills moles jowls hols vills foals hellos balls boulles roils gaols failles ells hullos sells noils fills ills reoils calls aiolis dills bills kolas jells halls fillos haoles tells nolos malls sols pols cells gills souls doles tolas rills dalles tools selles dols tallis wholes fells owls wools challis chills chollas roles shells nulls shills shools yills phallus tills lulls galls dulls kohls goals sills joles gulls falls bolos walls viols tulles callus hells rouilles mulls mullas cools palls soles pools quells polis villus violas maills hollas polos mells milles koels pulls boils coils coals niellos kills gallus tailles molas bolas scillas noels solus boles howls solos hulls foils ghylls villas mills bowls ghouls hillos follis holes toles fouls ballsy poles colas voles hollos fulls moolas mools alls jellos phyllos fowls belles coles oils jills oles cullis cols wallas tuilles quills bolus bulls fellas lalls bells culls toils paellas moils pills mols talls wills tellys ollas tolus knells diols cellos wells zills dells challas polys chillis cholas rilles cholos duellos sheols shoals yells soils yowls

Alliterating with dolls:

dolly doll dol doolie toll doolee dull dole doyley doula dooly diol doily dilly dill delly dell dally doyly dully idol


by Prisal on 29 December 2022
I learned new words
by Hi on 06 June 2021
Very helpful could find lots of good rhyming words
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