Please read the notes and caveats on using this form page.

The most important variables to get right are your electricity/gas usage, the costs per kWh, and the detergent costs.

Energy Usage

My washing machine uses kWh of electricity per wash. My electricity supplier costs pence/kWh.
My washing machine uses cubic feet of natural gas per wash. My supplier charges pence/kWh of gas.


I use detergent. It costs £ per kg/litre container. I put in ml each wash.

Fabric Conditioner

The fabric conditioner I use costs £ for litre(s). I put in ml each wash.

Sterilising powder

The sterilising powder I use costs £ for g. I put in g each wash.

Wear and Tear on the washing machine

I expect my washing machine will/did cost £ to buy, in , with an additional £ for repairs in

The machine did/will last years. Over that time I did an average of loads of general (non-nappy) washing every two weeks; plus I usually wash nappies every days.


Per Wash (pence) Per Annum (£)
Fabric Conditioner:
Sterilising powder:
Wear and Tear on machine:


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30-second Survey!
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